
Cooking bananas are banana cultivars in the the genus musa whose fruits are generally used in cooking. The may be eaten while ripe or unripe and are generally starchy.Some cooking bananas are also as green bananas or plantains.
                     Genus      musa
                       Species  musa×paradisiaca
                        Cultivar group         Cultivars from a number of groups
                                                             including the AAA group and ABB group
                           Origin             Primary:southeast Asia,south Asia, secondary:west Africa
The term "plantain" is loosely applied to any banana cultivar that is eaten when cooked. However, there is no formal botanical distinction between bananas and plantains.Cooking is also a matter of custom, rather than necessity. Ripe plantains can be eaten raw, since the starches are converted to sugars as they ripen. In some countries, there may be a clear distinction between plantains and bananas, but in countries where many more cultivars are consumed, the distinction is not made in the common names used. In more formal usage the term "plantains" is used for "true" plantains, while other starchy cultivars also used for cooking are called "cooking bananas". All modern plantain cultivars have three sets of chromosomes (they are tripoid). Many are hybrids derived from the the cross of two wild species, musa accuminata and musa balbisiana. The currently accepted scientific name for all such crosses is musa ×paradisiaca. Using Simmonds and shepherds (1995) genome-based nomenclature system, cultivars which are cooked often belong to the A'AB group, although some (e.g the East African Hugh land bananas) belong to the ABB group.
Fe'i bananas (musa×troglodytarum) from the pacific Islands are often eaten roasted or boiled, and are thus informally referred to as "mountain plantains". However they do not belong to either of the two species that all modern cultivated bananas descend from.
  All members  of the genus musa are indigenous to the the tropical regions of southeast Asia and oceanic, including the Malay Archipelago (modern Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Philippines) and northern Australia. Africa is considered a secondary center of diversity of musa cultivars. West Africa for true plantains and the central highland bananas (musa AAA-EAAB, also known as matooke or matoke in Uganda) most of which are cooked although some are primarily  used to produce beer.


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